Friday, September 17, 2010

Therapeutic Self-Indulgence

Life has not been kind to me, and in my journey to find ways to cope I discovered paper crafting--specifically making cards. Although I'm physically limited in the amount of time I can devote to it, when I'm in the zone and making something pretty, it just plain makes me feel good.  So I very selfishly spend as much time as I can making pretty things, as it is extremely therapeutic for me.

Eventually, I decided to go ahead and enter some of the numerous card challenges out there on the web, but I soon realized that while I could enter them without a blog, it woul be much easier if I had a blog to link them to, and thus . . .  my blog.

I'm not a blogger kind of person. Having to be quick and clever overwhelms me. Additionally, I have come to the conclusion that life's questions are unanswerable for some. So, you won't find any great wisdom here.

What you will find are links to the challenges I have entered, and my gratitude towards those who think them up and sponsor them, as it's very therapeutic to me to be able to create something when certain guidelines have been established. In other words, I don't have to think so hard, and I LOVE not having to think hard.

I warn you in advance, I'm a total amateur when it comes to making cards. They are nothing like the amazing creations I find online, nor will they ever be. In fact, everything I post will probably either be a stolen idea or a happy accident.

So, with that, welcome to my blog.


  1. I also started this blog to qualify for blog candy contests. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, because I'm so new to this, but my first entry is for Feline Playful's AMAZING 200 AND 300 followers contests. The link to her site is:

    Good luck (pick me pick me pick me!!!) :)

  2. Congrats with your blog its a great way to share Ideas. Your cards are beautiful and I am sure every one who receive one of them will enjoy it.
